Our family's stay in Shanghai, China

Archive for September, 2011

Departure delayed

For those of you watching our blog site for updates, we have not left yet and will not be leaving this week, as previously thought.  Paperwork for David to work in China is long, complicated and difficult.  David leaves on Wednesday to go back for 2 weeks.  He returns on September 29th and hopes to submit all the final documents for his work permit right after.  At this time, we hope to leave by the end of October.  No guarantees, but that is our hope.

We are still gathering things to take, especially medicines and Jenna-safe foods.  The “little things” you do before you leave on a week-long vacation are magnified 10 times when you leave for 6 months.  But we keep working, little by little to pack and prepare.

Overall, we are cautiously excited and nervous about the months to come and looking forward to both the new experiences and sites we will see, as well as the first good ole’ American cheeseburger when we get back!  We don’t expect to enjoy many of those while we are gone.

More to come in the weeks ahead…

Carol Ann